

Dedications are scheduled during Sunday morning services every three months. If you desire to have your child dedicated, please contact us. Prior to the dedication you will meet with one of our Pastors to discuss the significance of your commitment. After the dedication occurs, you will receive a certificate to commemorate your commitment.

Dedicating for the first time? We ask that you attend a special Dedication Class. Details are available upon registration.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Child Dedication:

1.   Can my whole family join us on the stage during the dedication?

Because of limited space, we usually ask that only the following be on the stage during the dedication: the parents; the child or children being dedicated and any siblings. This is a great family event. We encourage you to invite family and friends to witness the dedication. Cameras are welcomed!

2. How old can my child be and still be dedicated?

Once again, dedication is a commitment that the parents are making. We encourage parents to dedicate their children as early as possible. However, we would still recommend dedicating children up through elementary school age if it hasn’t been done previously.

3. What Scriptures will help me understand this event?

Luke 2:22 records Jesus’ parents dedicating Him to the Lord in keeping the Old Testament law. In 1 Samuel 1:27 & 28, Samuel’s mother Hannah, rejoiced that he was a gift from the Lord and dedicated him to serve the Lord. Also, in Deuteronomy 6:4-9, the people of God are commanded to love God with all their hearts, to follow His commands and to teach these things to their children.

4.  Why don’t we baptize infants?

Although the Scriptures do record children being dedicated to the Lord, there is no record of an infant ever being baptized. At Island Christian Church we practice Believers’ Baptism. This is done after an individual understands sin and its consequences and places their faith in Jesus’ payment for those sins and their salvation. Believers’ baptism is a public testimony of one's faith in Jesus and acceptance of His Lordship.

Have other questions?  Please contact us!  We would love to hear from you!