At Island Christian, we realize that everyone is in process.

Whether you have a relationship with God or not, Island Christian Church is the perfect place for you. We're dedicated to providing an environment where you can experience personal and profound encounters with Jesus. We're all on a journey of deepening our connection with Him, regardless of where we currently stand spiritually. Our focus is on continually seeking what's next, and anticipating your next steps in your spiritual growth. We understand this as going from someone whose observing (CROWD) to actively participating in God's work within our community (CORE). For some, that might be walking into the church for the very first time. For others, finding that space to wrestle with your hard questions about God, the Bible or faith. Or maybe you need a community to learn how to practically live out your faith in your daily life. No matter where you're at, we're committed to giving you the tools necessary to keep growing in your faith journey.

Know God

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)




The Alpha conversation is an introduction to the Christian faith. It is a safe place to ask questions about the meaning of life and about God.



Baptism is a joyous, public proclamation of our faith in Christ. It is an outward act that testifies of what happened in our hearts when we repented of our sin and trusted Christ for our salvation.



Do you consider Island Christian your home church? Do you want to find our what it means to be a member? Many times in the New Testament, the church is referred to as a body with each part being a member (Rom. 12:4, Eph. 3:6 and 4:25, Col. 3:15). Church membership is affirming your commitment to a local church as part of the body of Christ. As Christians, we are called to live in community, and becoming a member is a great step!

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Serving others is one of the most effective ways to live out your faith. Deepen your connection to God, to others, and to the community by serving as a volunteer.

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We encourage you to contact us with any questions or thoughts about your next step. Remember, we are all on this journey together!